"Words ought to be a little wild for they are the assaults of thought of the unthinking." ~~ John Maynard Keynes

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Seeing the light

Luckily the morning commute was quiet and I was able to stop and take photographs out of my roof! Check out the reflection on the hood of my car. Cool stuff.

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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

There is a gold light...

There is a gold light in certain old paintings
That represents a diffusion of sunlight.
It is like happiness, when we are happy.
It comes from everywhere and nowhere at once, this light,
And the poor soldiers sprawled at the foot of the cross
Share in its charity equally with the cross.
Orpheus hesitated beside the black river.
With so much to look forward to he looked back.
We think he sang then, but the song is lost.
At least he had seen once more the beloved back.
I say the song went this way: O prolong
Now the sorrow if that is all there is to prolong.

The world is very dusty, uncle. Let us work.
One day the sickness shall pass from the earth for good.
The orchard will bloom; someone will play the guitar.
Our work will be seen as strong and clean and good.
And all that we suffered through having existed
Shall be forgotten as though it had never existed.

~~Donald Justice

There's a certain slant of light...

There's a certain Slant of light
~~by Emily Dickinson

There's a certain Slant of light,
Winter Afternoons –
That oppresses, like the Heft
Of Cathedral Tunes –

Heavenly Hurt, it gives us –
We can find no scar,
But internal difference,
Where the Meanings, are –

None may teach it – Any –
'Tis the Seal Despair –
An imperial affliction
Sent us of the Air –

When it comes, the Landscape listens –
Shadows – hold their breath –
When it goes, 'tis like the Distance
On the look of Death –

Like this one?  Learn more about Emily Dickinson and the poem and watch a slide show of the poem.